David Coveney


The Cheshire Cat Bug

This is an interesting one that’s just come up while we were testing the new version of Search Replace DB and I’m calling it the Cheshire Cat Bug…

Season’s wishes to you all!

As we get towards the end of the year, it’s time to reflect a little on what went by, but more importantly, to look at what’s coming.

Winners of the interconnect/it code challenge

We’re proud to announce the winners of our WordCamp London 2013 code challenge!

Creative Process, Liverpool

We sponsor and support Creative Process, a small, but friendly and fun evening that’s held at Elevator Bar in Liverpool. The Liverpool web and creative industry were out in force at last night’s event

Automatically Create 301 Redirects for Migrations

In certain cases, when you migrate WordPress content from one site to another, you have to create 301 redirects. Here are some thoughts from a recent site migration…

WordPress in Big Media (featuring The Telegraph)

Often, it’s forgotten that WordPress can be used on very busy, dynamic sites with lots of contributors. Although it has relatively humble blogging origins, there’s no reason why it can’t be made to scale

Plaza Cinema

Cinema websites present a number of challenges, and are often surprisingly poor at selling the film in question

Saving You Time With Clever Code

Good web development isn’t just about pretty front ends. We believe in streamlining your workflow so that when you need to keep your content up to date, it’s as quick and easy as possible.

Announcing Spots

Imagine that you’re building a theme, and in various places in that theme you have small elements that you’d just love to content manage. Well now you can…

Foundation Trust Governor’s Association Goes Live With WP & bbPress

We recently developed a new site for the Foundation Trust Governor’s Association, which allowed for an easy self-hosted and self-managed yet sophisticated website.

WordCamp UK 2011 – Tasting the Rainbow

We had a fabulous time at WordCamp UK Portsmouth and two of us from interconnect/it spoke at the conference. Here we look back at the weekend.

Developer’s Nostalgia

In the white hot pace of IT one may think that there’s no space or time for looking backwards.