David Coveney


Producing Instructional ScreenCasts

Sometimes there’s a need to produce training videos which show how you carry out a certain piece of work. Simply explaining a technique isn’t always possible in words.

The Wicked Problem

I was reading through some project management methodology just now (yay! My life is full of joy at last!) and came across the phrase “The Wicked Problem”.

Getting Your DNS Settings Right

One thing worth thinking about in 2008, is fixing the DNS entry to your website. Most are probably set up just fine, but here’s one of the most common problems we see.

Google Ranking Effect on Traffic

Take a look at the effect of Google ranking on the number of pageviews on this personal blog. Quite a jump, you can see!

Speeding site load times with htaccess

Create an “.htaccess” file in the folder you want to be cached and add the following to it. This will have the effect of caching your site for a week.

A Little Thing Makes All The Difference

Expensive mistakes can be avoided by just being a little bit careful. Imagine you’d spent many thousands on this marketing campaign, only to get it plastered around the web… for the wrong reasons.

Managing Risks With Web Hosting

Any website is a reflection of your business. If it’s cheap and unreliable, it’ll say that to your potential clients. Recently we’ve had client’s who’ve been burned by other web designers and their hosts