David Coveney


We’re Presenting at WordCamp UK 2009

It’s been an exciting year at interconnect/it. We’ve worked on some large scale sites such as The Telegraph Blogs and Telecoms.com. So this year we’re giving two presentations at WordCamp!

Telegraph Relaunches Blogs on WordPress

On the night of June 23rd, Telegraph Media flicked the switch on a new project – Telegraph Blogs. And, proudly, we’d like to say we were involved with the project.

WordPress Database Corruption and its Effects

If you get this kind of weird behaviour, especially after a crash, it can be well worth looking through the tables for problems such as those in this post.

What Used to be Hard, Becomes Easy

One thing we talk a lot about is how important it is for costs to stick to problems which have already been solved. Get fancy and do something new, and your costs have rocketed away.

How Much Does Code Cost?

It’s hard to measure the cost of code. Simple stuff can be ferociously time-consuming to develop, and bad coders often produce reams of poorly structured code.

Museum of Computing Needs a New Home

The Museum of Computing needs a new home. If you, or anyone you know, has the capability to offer some real and useful help, then they’d love to hear from you.

Something’s Coming

Very quietly we’ve been building something quite special for WordPress. We can’t say what it is right now, but something’s coming and we’ve done almost all of it with WordPress based technology.

Will The Financial Crisis Damage Small Technology Firms?

The current crisis in the world’s banking industry is causing quite a bit of concern right now. However, it’s not all bad news – the savvy company can watch out for the threats.

Coming Problems with Web Design

I just read an interesting article in A List Apart about how browsers that are forgiving of bad markup and css are bad for the web.

The Difference Hosting Can Make

It’s quite apt that on the day that WordPress.com appears to have broken (it’s not serving any front-end pages on this blog at the time of writing if you’re logged in) I’m making a post about hosting

Keep It Standard

I was working with a client recently on their own, customised installation of WordPress… and it was driving me potty. The lesson: Keep it standard. It makes life easier for all involved.

WordPress Auto 301 Feature

There are some nice tricks inside WordPress, for example this WordPress Auto 301 Feature. Keep up the good work ladies and gentlemen!