David Coveney


Kindle Unlimited on e-ink; Here’s how to get on it.

Interested in getting your publication onto Kindle e-ink? We can guide you from start to finish. Our Standfirst for Kindle software makes your production team’s job easy!

A platform for success

Imagine if a website could know you. A website that responded to your needs and your mood on that day. This year we’ve started to roll out software that will be able to do just that.

Software is hard to do well. And your website is software.

We’ve been building software for the publishing industry for a long time. From business models to specifications to project planning, you name it, we’ve seen it all.

How much will your project cost?

When we receive a Request For Proposal, we have to consider any potential risks or challenges associated with the project. It’s about treating every client as an individual and every project as unique

Recruitment and Employment Diversity Report for 2017

As part of our commitment to diversity and to ensure we follow best practice, we have now opted to publish an annual team and recruitment diversity report. Read on to get the stats!

Name fields are a metaphor for human diversity

In a recent system we built, we realised we were going to be storing the names of people from across the world. We thought we’d share what we learnt.

Introducing Standfirst for Kindle

Standfirst for Kindle is our first Software as a Service product, giving you fine and unrivalled control over your Kindle e-ink edition.

30 Years of Information Technology

There was a scary realisation at a recent company meeting, when someone pointed out that I should write about my thirty years of experience in IT.

Twenty years of interconnect/it – and did you know we started as publishers?

On our twentieth anniversary we stop for a moment and think back over the success of the company; The clients we’ve helped, the friends in the web development industry we’ve made…

How The Spectator went from one million to ten million page views per month

There’s a direct link between web traffic and revenue when you’re a publisher. How well that works depends a lot on other factors – the business model, commercial relationships and so on.

MyEyesAreUpHere for better thumbnails in WordPress

Ethel’s not happy – whenever her artfully arranged photos are centrally cropped, they look wrong. And she’s fed up of only half her face being used in square thumbnails. So we decided to fix the problem..

Why I love working in an office

Everybody seems to want to work from home. Well, sometimes it’s also awesome to work in an office. Here’s why…