David Coveney


Leveraging Our Technology – Informa T&M

We’ve been working with the publishing and events giant, Informa T&M. Since we launched Telecoms.com, they have increasingly been using WordPress to deliver business critical websites.

NATS Launches Corporate Site on WP Platform

When NATS wanted a new corporate site with a broad range of content which could be easily managed, they turned to WordPress for a reason. The excellent results are there to be seen.

LinkedIn/WordPress Application Domain Mapping Problem

We had an interesting support ticket raised today. LinkedIn/WordPress Application Domain Mapping Problem.

It’s Time to Grow Up About IE

Using WordPress in enterprises with old browsers installed can be problematic. Developers whinge about it (and should stop) and staff struggle with it

WordCamp Portsmouth 2011, A Business Case

We’re pleased to announce that we’ll be talking at WordCamp UK yet again! This year WordCamp is in Bournemouth and we can’t wait to attend.

We’re Moving!

After nearly three years in our office in Slater Street, we’ve reached the stage where we need better, more professional facilities. We’re off to Liverpool Science Park!

WordPress Distributions are the Future

If you’ve been involved in WordPress over the past few years you’ll have seen it change from being an excellent but limited blogging platform into something more complex.

Migrating a WordPress, WPMU, BuddyPress Website

Migrating a WordPress site can be something of a scary challenge, but we do it a lot, and we’ve become used to it. Here I show you the steps we take moving a localhost site to a live domain.

A Common-Sense WordPress Security Primer

There’s been a big fuss lately over the latest WordPress hacks. One of the key things about security is to think about what happens when the first line of defence is breached.

Running a WordPress Plugin, always…

There are times when you absolutely must run some plugins on a WP install, and you don’t want to allow administrators to be able to disable them. Here’s how…

WordPress 2.8.4 Released

Those who follow WordPress closely will understand that a vulnerability has been found that, whilst not being especially dangerous, could be very annoying for some.

WordPress in News & Media Presentation

Here’s the presentation given by David Coveney at WordCamp UK 2009 in Cardiff. It covers the advantages, problems and implementations of WordPress as used by the News & Media sectors.