Saving You Time With Clever Code


One thing that many non-clients fail to appreciate about our work here is that it’s not just about pretty front ends.  We believe in streamlining your workflow so that when you need to keep your content up to date it’s as quick and easy as possible.

We’re currently building a site for the Plaza Cinema in Crosby, Liverpool which makes use of API calls to API in order to pull in movie summaries, trailers, backdrop images and posters automatically.  This will save the users a considerable amount of time when creating listings as they will no longer need to find images and painstakingly resize them, nor will they have to search for the trailers, poster images or details such as actors and directors.

Over time this will also create an extensive referrable database of films shown by the cinema which will be interesting from a historical and analytical perspective as well.

Anyway, you came here for the demo because that shows more than a thousand words ever could.  So here it is…