After having so much fun the last two times we went karting, we decided to take to the track again for our latest teambuilding activity at Teamsport Liverpool.

This was a great opportunity for our newer recruits who hadn’t been before to have a go and quite a few people who don’t even drive! Surprisingly Chris Wright (who has never driven before) had no qualms in the first practice round and showed no nerves at all.

Once the proper race was underway, we all put the pedal to the metal. And after a close competition, our champions were decided. Dave in first place, Ant second and Mim was a close third.
The event finished with some beers and pizza, which went down well after all the exertion. Karting is so much more physical than it looks!

Well done team!
Oh and Dave spotted Mim had one of her favourite words emblazoned on the front of her racing suit; ‘Tea’ of course 😉