Forcing Kindle Unlimited Is A Massive Misstep
Every publication we’ve supported on the Kindle for Periodicals service is no longer available on e-ink Kindles. Gone. They no longer exist.
“Can you just install this WordPress plugin?” – Supply chain vulnerabilities and the art of “no”
Most of our clients know that the bulk of our site builds are still based on WordPress, even if that’s our own version of it. And that means a world of plugins and themes are available, right? No
Free stock photos? Wonderful, and here’s how to avoid getting sued.
Free images are awesome, but they come with a host of gotchas that have been known to catch businesses out. We go through the pitfalls and the things you should do to protect yourselves.
Five things to test before your website goes live
It’s easy for mistakes to creep in when you’re not process-led. We’ve put together a checklist of five simple things to ask your WordPress studio before they push your new website live.
Making money from Amazon Alexa
It was an interesting time when an Alexa turned up in the kitchen
Working from home during Coronavirus
Going from university into the ‘real’ world
Looking back (and forward!) at the transition from university to paid work. Jack’s been here for a year now and this is what he has learnt.
Why paywalls don’t work, and why you should use them.
Our lead designer has some thoughts on why the publishing industry has a tough time getting people to pay for content.
Annoying Our Users
What would make your list of bad UX peeves? Chris Wright has shared a few of his in this post. Read on to find out how to annoy your users (or rather, how to avoid annoying your users!).
Not all icons are universal
Icons are used everywhere from the web and mobile applications, to the washing labels on your clothes, but are the meanings behind these icons always clear? Claire discusses all things icon related.
A platform for success
Imagine if a website could know you. A website that responded to your needs and your mood on that day. This year we’ve started to roll out software that will be able to do just that.
Software is hard to do well. And your website is software.
We’ve been building software for the publishing industry for a long time. From business models to specifications to project planning, you name it, we’ve seen it all.