Standfirst is now our studio brand

We are thrilled to announce a new chapter in our company's journey. Interconnect, formerly Interconnect IT, has been a stalwart in the industry for nearly twenty years, constantly evolving and learning.

Business News

Today, we proudly switch most of our business to being Standfirst, our Studio brand dedicated to delivering top-notch design and development services for interactive content publishing. Our approach is rooted in solid software engineering principles, ensuring scalable solutions without excessive resource consumption. However, we felt our previous name didn’t fully capture our strong design focus, so it was time for a change.

While the Interconnect name isn’t disappearing, it will now represent the foundational aspects of our business, including licensing, management, and service provision. This site will transform and change purpose as our company changes.

We’ve decided to keep our old content accessible because it still holds value for many. Although we considered moving it, we realised that preserving it here benefits everyone.

Looking ahead, Interconnect will be expanding by acquiring new brands and enhancing their value through innovative design and technology. Standfirst will continue to lead the way in providing exceptional design and development services to the industry.

Stay tuned for more exciting developments from Interconnect and Standfirst as we embark on this new adventure.

Photo by ConvertKit on Unsplash

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