
The Art of Time Well-spent

Developing a new product is hard. Launching a new product is hard. Developing and launching a new product whilst delivering Client Services projects is a whole other world

Rage against the vending machine

It’s very easy to make the wrong decisions based on a lack of real evidence—especially if ‘best-practice’ takes over and we assume we know what our users and audience need. Throwi

How much will your project cost?

When we receive a Request For Proposal, we have to consider any potential risks or challenges associated with the project. It’s about treating every client as an individual and every project as unique

Recruitment and Employment Diversity Report for 2017

As part of our commitment to diversity and to ensure we follow best practice, we have now opted to publish an annual team and recruitment diversity report. Read on to get the stats!

Goodbye to 2017 and Hello to 2018

Naturally, the end of the year is a time to look back and reflect on company successes and plan ahead for the new year to come

Guide to the GDPR

Our office manager, Laurie, has been reading up about the implications of GDPR for us as a company and has decided to post this shared resource for others in our industry, who are starting to look into…

Embrace the lunch break and unlock your full potential

Before Andrea became a developer he was a chef. And as you will see, he’s still pretty passionate about food. Here he shares his personal opinions about the importance of a good lunchtime meal.

Has Business Blogging run its Course?

We’ve been blogging since 2007. From backend dev tutorials to posts about daily life, you name it, we’ve written about it. But has the world of business blogging run its course?

Twenty years of interconnect/it – and did you know we started as publishers?

On our twentieth anniversary we stop for a moment and think back over the success of the company; The clients we’ve helped, the friends in the web development industry we’ve made…

The Blog from the Sea of Cortez

We recommend every project we undertake contains some aspect of ‘discovery’. Read on to find out more about this important part of any project we undertake at interconnect/it.

What web developers have in common with builders and decorators

Our Lead Developer, Damian, is in the middle of renovating his new home and believes he has spotted some similarities between the web development and building trades.

A New Year

A new year is a chance to reflect on the year just gone and look forward to the year ahead. And 2014 was a busy and interesting year for us here at interconnect/it. Here’s why.