Social Structure

The site uses bbPress and ties together a number of custom functions. We’ll be following up with a full write-up in due course for our Portfolio, but for now, why not take a look at what’s on offer? We didn’t do the full design this time – we followed the Capita supplied designer’s lead, completed the WP and bbPress specific elements, then got coding.
Permission Levels
One key part of the job was to create a properly hierarchical file store and workflow. Different types of users can see different areas of the websites, and these had to be easy to manage for relatively non-technical users. Each user can be assigned to a group on subscription, and then simple radio buttons in the forums and content administration allow for easy setting of permissions. For a site that often deals in confidential matters, this was important functionality.
And Welcome
We hope that this marks the start of other projects for NHS related bodies. Along with our work for the Greenwich Healthy Living Service we now have a number of clients in the sector and look forward to expanding in this exciting area in the future, no doubt aided by our cost-effective and reliable use of WordPress as a platform.