Last year we decided to keep quiet at WordCamp UK, on the whole, beyond a spot of sponsorship – simply because we didn’t have that much to talk about that we felt could be exciting. But a year has changed a lot – WordPress is becoming popular for large scale blogging platforms such as The Telegraph Blogs, and for use as a news platform such as at Telecoms.com.
Large companies are, inherently, going to be a little more conservative in their approach to new technology – but once they see others making a move a cascade effect tends to kick in. This, we believe, is what is starting to happen with WordPress.
So, because of what is happening, we’re giving two presentations at WordCamp UK this year…
WordPress in the Enterprise
This presentation will cover how WordPress is starting to be seen in the enterprise space, its potential, the pitfalls, and the opportunities available to WordPress developers and designers. The presentation itself should last around 30-40 minutes, with a further 15 minutes of open discussion and Q&A before clearing the stage in preparation of the next talk.
WordPress in News & Media
WordPress is starting to show signs of adoption within the news industry not just as a blogging platform, but as a full featured news platform. We will cover the strengths and weaknesses, problems found, what WP lacks out of the box, and demonstrate some of the ways in which a comprehensive news site can be built using our Caribou Theme that we built for Spectacu.la. We will also be demonstrating the back-end we built for Telecoms.com which allow them to run a far more flexible WP news site than ever anticipated.
Other Reasons to Go to WordCamp UK 2009
- It’s in Cardiff, capital of Wales.
- Matt Mullenweg is attending – he’s effectively the lead of the WordPress project and is highly influential in the community.
- Other notables such as Tony Scott, Peter Westwood, Simon Wheatley, Simon Dickson and Mike Little (who sometimes does some work for us) are presenting – and they always have something interesting to say.
- You’ll be mixing with some of the coolest and nicest people in the software community.
- The afterparty is always good fun!
We really look forward to seeing everyone at the WordCamp. Myself and James Whitehead (our technical lead) will be attending. If you have anything you’d like to see covered at the event, just comment here.